Webex Polling

Energize your audience to join the conversation.

Less monologue, more interaction.
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    Create meaningful engagement

    Interact with participants at scale and ensure that everyone's engaged.

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    Foster an inclusive culture

    Democratize discussions, empower everyone, and collect your audience's feedback to improve decision-making.

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    Build stronger connections

    Facilitate team bonding, create transparency, and build trust between leaders and employees.

  • Engage your audience with live polling.
    Give them options

    Use a multiple-choice poll to capture everyone's thoughts quickly.

    Or, ask them to write their own

    Type in custom answers or comments with open-text feedback.

    Try a pop quiz

    Test their knowledge live with a timer and leaderboard.

    Get instant feedback

    Get a feel for how they liked the session and topics.

    Visualize keywords

    Display audience answers in a word cloud to see what's most popular.

    Democratize prioritization

    Let the audience rank options based on their preferences.

    Create two-way dialogue with live Q&A.
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    Collect questions live

    Participants can send in questions directly during the meeting.

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    Moderate Q&A in real time

    Review incoming questions and filter to focus on relevant topics.

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    Organize queries with labels

    Categorize and address questions by topics to keep things efficient.

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    Address the most critical questions

    Let the audience upvote questions to ensure the most important concerns are addressed first.

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    Offer more ways to respond

     Reply to submitted questions as a host, then let participants comment on each other's questions.

  • Get started for free.

    Additional features, storage, and support start at just one low price.